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Gettin’ Grown | Online

Gettin grown

When I first started listening to podcasts, I wrote about a few that I was listening to and included Gettin’ Grown on the list. I was not immediately in love with the show, but I have to say that I have fallen more and more in love with it over the last year or so and wanted to provide an in-depth look into this weekly conversation on “the worst hood we’ve ever endeavored to live in”—adulthood.

Gettin’ Grown is hosted by Jade and Keia, who are described as two happy and hard-working Black women who are learning how to adult. They are friends in real life and it comes through in every episode. Like a true friendship, you will laugh and you will cry—sometimes in the same episode. Each one starts with Jade singing—and I use this term loosely—something to kick things off and the hosts checking in with each other before jumping into the meat of the episode. The format is as follows:


This is their pop culture segment. Jade catches listeners up on what’s been happening throughout the week. I appreciate it because it means that I don’t actually have to keep up with celebrity blogs like The Shade Room because I know Jade has me covered. I also really love that it’s our pop culture—the things that are relevant to us. She’ll talk about the ridiculous things that TI said about his daughter or the latest Verzuz battle, but will also acknowledge the murders of Black people at the hands of police and vigilantes. Jade works hard to create balance in this segment so that if there’s a lot of heaviness in this world, this segment is pretty light and always good for a laugh or two.

Shoutout to My Sis

I love this segment because it highlights people who are doing some really incredible things. Creators of scholarship funds, entrepreneurs and business owners, people who are overcoming incredible obstacles. All of them have been featured in this segment. Sometimes the person is someone that Jade or Keia knows personally. Sometimes a listener has written in to share the work of someone they know (or themselves). This segment is great because listeners get to learn about amazing things that are happening across the country. But my favorite thing about this segment is the graduation season takeover. Every year in May, listeners are encouraged to write in to share their (or their loved one’s) graduation announcement. I love hearing about so many people accomplishing their dreams and achieving some real milestones.

Kitchen Table

This segment is the meat of the episode. Jade and Keia talk about everything. Some episodes feature more serious topics like racism and social justice, or deeply personal topics like Keia’s grief journey. Some are much more light-hearted where they play games or plan a fun girls’ night. Everything that you could ever want to talk about related to adulting is discussed for real. It’s great to know that there are people out there who feel the same way about “the scam that is adulting” and are so honest about their struggles and their celebrations. I also appreciate that they don’t pretend to have all the answers and they acknowledge that you can feel multiple ways about something. These are some of the best conversations I’ve ever heard about some of these topics.

gettin grown

Honesty Box

One of the reasons that I really like Gettin’ Grown is because Jade and Keia make an effort to bring the listeners into the conversation as often as possible. Every week in this segment, they read a letter from a listener who is looking for advice. Again, they don’t pretend to have all the answers, but always give thoughtful feedback based on the information they have been given.

Black Women Self-Care

This segment was part of the early life of the show and went away for a while, but it has made a comeback in the last year. It is all about the (often little) things we can and should do to take care of ourselves. Jade and Keia share the things they have done over the week to take care of themselves and sometimes share what listeners are doing as well. This segment always inspires me to do something to take care of myself and reminds me that it doesn’t have to be some big thing. I don’t even have to spend any money as long as I am taking steps to regularly and intentionally incorporate self-care into my routines.

Petty Peeves

I really think that this is my favorite segment because I’m way more petty than I like to admit. But, also, I am here for spaces where Black people, particularly women, can freely release. And Jade and Keia absolutely do. This segment is all about something that has bothered them over the last week and they range from very small annoyances to some more serious situations.

If I’m being honest, it was a little bit of a struggle for me to get into Gettin’ Grown (see my initial review), mostly, because I was used to shorter podcasts. Now, my week is incomplete without listening to an episode. Jade and Keia are great conversationalists and storytellers and, as a listener, you really feel part of the community they are building. Gettin’ Grown is a beautiful balance of silly and serious, heavy and heartwarming, and gossip and growing. It is a reflection of what real life adulting looks like every day, and I am thankful to have it along my journey.


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